What’s new in firmware 3.8

Various components are installed in the DPS power supplies. Therefore, on some copies, calibration did not work with previous firmware versions. To solve this problem, firmware 3.8 has the ability to select the hardware version. 

The HW version menu item is not associated with a number on the printed circuit board, but is associated with 

  • The resistance of the current shunt
  • Clone or original chip U8 TL594 is installed

Selecting different HW Versions only changes the initial calibration values. 

If the calibration does not work for you, there are two ways to solve the problem.


In the recovery menu, select HW Version 1.5 or 1.0.  Then Restore? Yes and Exit. After that, do the calibration several times.

Added additional page VALUE-ADC-DAC with calibration data. This page is mainly for information. Do not manually change the values on this page unnecessarily.

If you have a revision with a different hardware version and the calibration values differ significantly from the default ones, you can send me a photo of the VALUE-ADC-DAC page with a description of your model so that I can use your data in the next firmware revisions. admin@profimaxblog.ru

If the calibration does not work for you, there are two ways to solve the problem.


Go to the calibration screen. Turn the knob immediately without selecting any items and the VALUE-ADC-DAC page will open. Increase the DAC I out L value to 3000 or 4000-5000- 6000. Then Save? Yes and Exit. After that, the normal calibration should work. The normal calibration procedure must be repeated several times in its entirety to achieve good accuracy.

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